Text Recognition made Fast and Easy Extract text from images, videos, photos, and other digital documents using OCRzilla

Extract Text From Anywhere

We created OCRzilla to make the work easier and more convenient. If you need to quickly and accurately recognize text in pictures, scanned documents, videos or photos, then you should have OCRzilla. Easy to use and does not require an internet connection, the application is available for use on Intel and Apple Silicon Mac devices.

How it works

1. Start

Press CMD+Shift+3 to start or select Capture Paragraph from the menu bar.

2. Select screen area

The text inside the selection will be quickly recognized and copied to the clipboard.

3. Paste

Press CMD+V to paste a text to the notes, editor, messenger, or any other software.

Just select the desired part of the screen with an image, video or a favorite meme from the Tweeter and the text from the selected area will be automatically recognized and copied to the clipboard for further use.

OCRzilla does not collect your personal data and is completely secure. All actions are performed exclusively on your device, without using external storage and services.

How does OCRzilla differ from other similar OCR products? We took into account all the shortcomings, errors and inconveniences in the apps of other developers and avoided them when designing and creating our system to make it convenient, fast, safe and productive.


If you are experiencing difficulty with using our application, please visit the support page.